The Client
Tasmanian Forestry Hub
The Hub identified four priority themes aimed at delivering against the Commonwealth’s objectives under the Plan, the first priority being Access to land and land use policy for plantation forest investment. Greenwood Strategy was engaged by the Hub to deliver an Assessment Report addressing this priority theme.
The Report undertook a strategic assessment of the factors affecting the forest growing and processing sectors in the context of land access and land use policy for north-northwest Tasmania. The broader context for the Report was consideration of ways in which the total available future plantation timber resources in the region can be maintained and augmented, underpinning the long term viability and sustainability of the region’s forestry and forest products sectors. In particular, the Report considered the following factors:
- Land type, suitability and availability.
- Integration of forestry with alternative crops and/or land uses.
- Incentives for private landowners to plant and grow trees.
- Investment cost of planting, harvesting and requisite approvals versus return on investment for private landowners.
- Private landowner confidence, time investment, skills and equipment.
- Regulatory framework and constraints.
- Social licence.
An Assessment Report was developed to address the priority theme. This included sophisticated spatial and economic analysis, comprehensive stakeholder consultation and detailed recommendations for the Hub.
Further to this work, the Hub advised that it will consider the opportunities and recommendations identified in this Assessment Report alongside any recommendations identified in relation to the remaining three priority themes. The Hub will then develop implementation plans commensurate with priority opportunities and funding.
Further information
Information on project can be found here.